Studying and Test Taking

Studying styles depends upon one own characteristics. Some people study when they see things, some prefer with lectures and information provided, and some by doing thing. So know what kind of learner you are. It is the first step for studying.

Test!! Just thinking about it makes you go crazy.
But don't worry there are ways to overcome your fear for test. Answer is studying; simply putting remember, understand, apply, analyze, evaluate and create. I always pray to god before my test begins. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't but i would recommend you to pray as well. It gives us a kind of hope which is good.

I usually study 1 -2 weeks before the actual test begins. But this is not enough cause the load of many topic of different subject will be too much to handle in your mind in just a week. And when you give the exam your mind get jumble up. So i prefer to make a quick revise of notes of the subject before the test begins which makes my fresh. I think you should do that too.

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